Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 May 1981

Vol. 328 No. 14

Written Answers. - Unauthorised Waste Disposal.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present situation with regard to unauthorised waste disposal by firms or individuals in north Dublin city; if he will give urgent attention to the large scale dumping at James' Street—North King Street in what appears to be a derelict factory; the action he can take to stop such dumping; the extent to which the closure of the Dublin Port and Docks area to commercial contractors in recent times has contributed to the problem; the gravity of the problem in his view; the steps that have been taken to provide alternative legal dumping facilities for such individuals or companies; and whether he proposes to take legal action against those at present engaged in illegal dumping; and, if not, why.

Local authorities are responsible for the planning, organisation, authorisation and supervision of waste operations in their areas under the European Communities (Waste) Regulations, 1979. These regulations provide for substantial penalties if waste is disposed of so as to endanger health or harm the environment. Accordingly, if there is illegal dumping in Dublin County Borough it is a matter to be dealt with by the corporation. I would suggest, therefore, that the Deputy brings the matters raised in the question to the attention of the relevant corporation officials.
