Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Nov 1981

Vol. 330 No. 9

Written Answers. - Payment of Allowances.


asked the Minister for Health the reason for the delay in paying disabled persons (maintenance) allowance to a person (details supplied) in County Dublin.

I have made inquiries from the Eastern Health Board regarding the case referred to by the Deputy and I have been informed that the application is at present under consideration. The board is seeking additional medical advice to assist them in reaching a decision.


asked the Minister for Health when a domiciliary allowance will be paid to an applicant (details supplied) in County Dublin.

I have made inquiries from the Eastern Health Board regarding the case referred to by the Deputy and I have been informed that the application was refused on the ground that the child was not medically eligible for the allowance at that time. However, I have been informed by the health board that they will review the case in one year.
