Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Nov 1981

Vol. 331 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Circus Tax Concessions.


asked the Minister for Finance if he has any plans to assist the circus in Ireland by way of tax concessions.

While I am prepared to examine the matter, it would be very difficult, given the very serious state of the country's finances at the present time, to alter the taxation system in order to provide special tax concessions for circuses.

Does the Minister agree there is a case to be met as the circus is assisted by way of tax concessions in Britain and other European countries?

I do not have any information available on the extent of assistance to circuses in other European countries by means of tax concessions. As a general proposition I think aid is better given to bodies of this sort by means of grants which are transparent as to their amount and purpose, whereas concessions can often apply in a random and unforeseen sense and not necessarily achieve the results they were designed to achieve. I recognise that the Irish circus industry faces problems at present. I know the Deputy has been concerned about the problem for a number of years. I am happy to see what can be done but I am not optimistic at this stage.

Would the Minister be willing to recommend to the Arts Council that a grant be given to the circus?

I am not the relevant Minister to make a recommendation to the Arts Council, which comes under the aegis of the Taoiseach. The making of recommendations to the Arts Council by Ministers, given that they are an independent body who jealously and correctly defend their independence, could be misconstrued. Perhaps the most appropriate method would be for the Deputy and others who are interested in the subject to approach the Arts Council where I am sure they will receive a sympathetic hearing.
