Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 17 Dec 1981

Vol. 331 No. 12

Written Answers. - Drugs Abuse.


asked the Minister for Health, having regard to an article in the newsletter of the Health Education Bureau stating that legitimate drug prescriptions are being abused, if she will consult with the medical professional bodies to ensure that its members do not issue prescriptions for drugs that may be abused.

Correspondence is currently being conducted with the Medical Council in relation to this matter.


asked the Minister for Health the steps that will be taken by her Department, by way of provision of information to the public or otherwise, to reduce as a source of drug abuse, the appropriation of such items from the home; and if consultations on this question will take place between her Department and the pharmacists' and medical associations to reduce this source of drugs for abuse.

Information regarding this and other forms of the abuse of drugs and medicines is made available in the context of the health education programmes drawn up on behalf of my Department by the Health Education Bureau. This approach, which sees information and education on drug problems as forming part of positive health education, conforms with current international thinking on publicity in relation to drug abuse. In the preparation of their programmes the bureau consult with the appropriate professional organisations.

Specifically, about 30 pharmacists from various parts of the country attended a three-day course on drug education in October 1980 which was organised jointly by the Health Education Bureau and the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland. These pharmacists are now available to give talks to adult groups on drug abuse and related matters.
