Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 29 Apr 1982

Vol. 333 No. 9

Written Answers. - Kerry Sewerage Schemes.


asked the Minister for the Environment if, in view of the serious position of Killarney Lakes and the Rivers Laune and Flesk, County Kerry, in regard to the threat of pollution, he will give his early approval to the following proposals: (i) an extension of the Killarney sewerage treatment works and (ii) a sewerage scheme for Fossa to Killarney.

In December 1981 my Department conveyed sanction to the recommended tenders for the mechanical plant and the sludge dewatering plant in order to facilitate completion of planning of the civil works for the Killarney sewerage treatment works augmentation scheme. The council's consultant engineer is now completing the preparation of the relevant contract documents.

I assume the Deputy is also referring to the Fossa Road sewerage extension. The question of approving proposals submitted by Kerry County Council for this extension must be deferred pending the provision of additional capacity at the Killarney treatment works.
