Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 May 1982

Vol. 334 No. 3

Written Answers. - Finance to Combat Diseases.


asked the Minister for Health the finance provided by the Government each year in the fight against cancer; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The fight against cancer can be divided into three broad elements. These are: educational programmes, treatment services and research. It is not possible to give the total expenditure on all three elements.

However, as regards educational programmes, the Health Education Bureau spent the following amounts on cancer related programmes: 1979, £261,000 approximately; 1980, £285,000 approximately; 1981, £200,000 approximately.

It is not possible to give details of the total expenditure on treatment services because of the diverse nature of the types of treatment provided and the number of centres in which it is provided. However, I can tell you that the financial allocations made to the specialist cancer hospitals were as follows: 1979, £3 million approximately; 1980, £4 million approximately; 1981, £5 approximately; 1982, £5½ million approximately.

With regard to research, the Medical Research Council, from the grants made to it from the Exchequer, has made the following amounts available for cancer research: 1979, £120,000; 1980, £139,000; 1981, £188,000.

In addition voluntary efforts, such as those undertaken by the Irish Cancer Society and the St. Lukes Hospital Research Fund, provide a valuable financial input into the fight against cancer.

All-in-all, despite the difficult financial circumstances and in the face of the competing demands for limited resources, I believe that a significant contribution is being made by the Government in the fight against cancer.


asked the Minister for Health the finance provided by the Government each year towards finding a cure for arthritis; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

There is no specific allocation of money to finance research into the cause of, and cure for, arthritis. Work towards finding a cure for arthritis is carried out in the general hospitals, particularly in the consultant staffed rheumotology units of these hospitals. The cost of this work is included in the annual budget of these hospitals and cannot be identified separately.
