Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Jun 1982

Vol. 336 No. 5

Written Answers. - Athenry (Galway) Water Supply.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present position in relation to the proposal to provide a water supply scheme for Athenry from the Galway city regional water scheme.

Galway County Council requested approval in November 1981 to the preparation of contract documents for the Mid-Galway Regional Water Supply Scheme (Zone 3) serving Athenry. My Department's letter dated the 9 March 1981 advised the county council that the preparation of contract documents should be deferred until there is a major demand for group water supply scheme development in the area in view of the long term nature of the proposals to augment the water supply to Athenry. It is considered that the town of Athenry can be served in the short term by bore-hole sources and a scheme to replace a borehole pump is being carried out by the county council within its small water and sewerage schemes programme for 1982.
