Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 2 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 4

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will pay unemployment assistance to a person (details supplied) in County Cork.

The person concerned was in receipt of unemployment benefit from 28 January 1982 until 14 March 1982 when her claim was disallowed by a deciding officer on the grounds that she was not available for employment. She received maternity allowance from 15 March 1982 to 19 June 1982.

A claim from her for unemployment benefit from 21 June 1982 is at present under consideration and on completion of inquiries into her availability for employment a decision on the claim will be given without delay.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if a free travel concession which was granted to a person (details supplied) in County Cork can be transferred to his wife's name as he rarely uses public transport and his wife cannot enjoy the concession unless her husband travels with her.

The purpose of the free travel scheme is to assist persons, who otherwise would be restricted in their movements by virtue of either age or infirmity, to remain active in the community. The concession of allowing free travel to a spouse accompanying the pass holder was made in furtherance of this objective and not for the purpose of giving the spouse free travel in his or her own right. For this reason no provision was made in the scheme whereby the free travel pass could be transferred to the wife of the person who qualifies for free travel.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment benefit will be paid to a person (details supplied) in Craughwell, County Galway, and the total amount of benefit.

The period of entitlement of the person concerned to unemployment benefit ended on 21 April 1982. He qualified for unemployment assistance from 22 April 1982 at the weekly rate of £4.70. This is the maximum rate appropriate to a single person with weekly means of £20.75, living in a rural area. All arrears due to him will be paid this week.

Further weekly payments will continue to be paid as they fall due.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in granting a pension to a person (details supplied) in Ballyboden, County Dublin; and if the pension will be granted to her.

The person concerned, who attained pension age of 66 years on 20 February 1979, claimed an old age contributory pension on 19 April 1982. As she failed to quote her insurance number or RSI number on the claim form it was necessary to write to her in this matter. She furnished an insurance number on 23 May 1982 but, according to the records of the Department, this number does not refer to her and despite an exhaustive search no further insurance number can be traced to her.

In the circumstances the papers have been referred to a social welfare officer to investigate the claimant's employment history as a matter of urgency so that her claim to contributory pension can be decided as quickly as possible. In the meantime her entitlement to old age (non-contributory) pension is being examined and the officer will carry out the necessary inquiries regarding her means when he calls to her in the near future.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he is aware that in a case (details supplied) in Swords, County Dublin, the applicant's average weekly earnings were based on an eight month period prior to the claim being accepted when in fact, the applicant was unemployed for the last four months of that period and had claimed unemployment benefit, unsuccessfully, in respect of that period; and, if so, whether he will take steps to have the 85 per cent related to a period of actual employment and earnings.

The person concerned ceased work on 26 June 1981 and claimed unemployment benefit on 30 July 1981. Her claim was disallowed on the ground that she was not available for work. The decision was upheld by an appeals officer. Following a review of her case her claim to unemployment benefit was allowed from 2 December 1981, the date on which it was accepted that she was available for work.

For the purpose of pay-related benefit the position is that in the case of an unemployed person receiving benefit the 85 per cent limit is calculated by reference to reckonable earnings from the beginning of the income tax year to the date from which payment of benefit commences. This is the statutory position and I am satisfied that on the whole it is a reasonable one. It fulfils the purpose of ensuring that the unemployment benefit payments, including pay-related benefit, is in each individual case related to the level of earnings of the claimant in the period before benefit became payable.

I do not contemplate changing the regulations.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will pay unemployment assistance to a person (details supplied) in County Cork.

The person concerned made a claim to unemployment benefit in November 1981. Payment of flat rate benefit has been authorised and all arrears due to him will be paid this week.

Inquiries are necessary to determine whether pay-related benefit is due to the person concerned. When these inquiries are completed payment of any pay-related benefit due will be made.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying disability benefit to a person (details supplied) in Carrick-on-Suir, County Waterford.

The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 19 May 1981 and was paid to 20 May 1982. Payment was suspended at that stage on the completion of 52 weeks on benefit pending inquiries as to her entitlement to further payment.

On the completion of inquiries it was established that she had in fact title to further benefit and payment was restored from 21 May 1982. All disability benefit and pay-related benefit due to 3 July 1982 has issued.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying disability benefit to a person (details supplied) in Cappoquin, County Waterford.

The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 15 March 1982. As a first certificate only was received no payment of benefit was due on this claim.

The claimant again claimed benefit from 19 May 1982 and at that stage he was requested to furnish an employer's statement showing the inclusive dates of his absence from work from 15 March onwards. He replied on 21 June stating that he had been absent from 15 March 1982 and again from 19 May onwards.

Payment of all disability benefit due on the first claim from 18 March 1982, fourth day of incapacity to 21 March 1982 and on the second claim from 22 May 1982, fourth day of incapacity to 16 June 1982, was issued on 25 June 1982. A further payment to 23 June 1982, the date of the latest medical certificate received has since issued. In addition pay-related benefit was paid on the second claim from 2 June, 13th day of incapacity.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying disability benefit to a person (details supplied) in Dungarvan, County Waterford.

The person concerned was paid occupational injury benefit from 7 September 1981 to 6 March 1982, at which stage his title to injury benefit was exhausted as he had been paid for the maximum statutory period of 26 weeks.

The claim from 8 March 1982 onwards was treated as one for disability benefit. The initial payments of disability benefit did not issue due to the delay by the claimant in submitting medical evidence of incapacity. The claim was reviewed in April and it was decided that, having regard to the nature and duration of the incapacity, payment should henceforth be issued weekly in advance of medical evidence of incapacity which would only be required at monthly intervals. Accordingly the cheques from 5 May 1982 onwards issued regularly each week. All disability benefit and pay-related benefit due to 10 July 1982 has issued.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the reduction in the prescribed relative's allowance being paid to a person (details supplied) in Carrick-on-Suir, County Waterford.

The person concerned applied for a prescribed relative allowance on 4 June 1982 but as the conditions for receipt of the allowance, which require that the applicant must be living alone or with certain excepted persons and that the prescribed relative must not be a married woman wholly or mainly maintained by her spouse, were not satisfied it was not possible to allow the claim and a decision to this effect was issued to her on 17 June 1982.

A prescribed relative allowance is fixed in amount and the question of a reduction could not arise.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying disability benefit to a person (details supplied) in Dungarvan, County Waterford.

The person concerned claimed unemployment benefit on 23 April 1982. Inquiries were necessary to establish that he satisfied the relevant statutory conditions for receipt of the benefit. These inquiries have now been completed and his claim has been allowed. Some arrears due to him have been paid and the balance will be paid this week. Further weekly payments will continue to be made as they fall due.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the discontinuance of a children's allowance to a person (details supplied) in Dungarvan, County Waterford, in respect of her child.

Children's allowance was discontinued in respect of the child concerned with effect from May 1982 as the child reached 16 years of age in April 1982.

A claim for continuation of allowance on the grounds that the child was unable to support herself because of physical infirmity has been received and further medical evidence has been requested from the claimant to enable a decision to be given.
