Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 2 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 4

Written Answers. - State-Sponsored Bodies.


asked the Minister for the Environment the title, function, date of establishment and budget of each non-commercial State-sponsored body under his aegis; and if the rate of increase in its budget has exceeded or been less than the rate of increase over the past five years of (a) his own Department and (b) Government expenditure generally; and, if so, by how much.

The following is the information.



Date of establishment

1982 Budget (1)

Increase in budget of body more(+) or less(-) than

(a) Department

(b) Government Expenditure Generally


An Foras Forbartha

To undertake research into, provide training in and advance knowledge of — the physical planning and development of cities, towns and rural areas; building construction, roads construction including ancillary and related services, installations and equipment; environment services; traffic and transportation; natural features and amenities; the effects and requirements of economic, industrial, agricultural, commercial, social, demographic, cultural changes and other changes related to these.

26 March, 1964




National Road Safety Association

The promotion of road safety on a national basis.

8 April, 1974




Medical Bureau of Road Safety

Analysis of specimens of blood and urine for their alcohol content in accordance with the Road Traffic Act, 1968 and the Road Traffic (Amendment) Act, 1978.

27 Nov. 1968




Fire Prevention Council

Promotion of greater public awareness of fire hazards of all kinds.

20 July, 1978




The Irish Water Safety Association

To provide services in relation to water safety matters as specified in Article 4 of the Irish Water Safety Association (Establishment) Order, 1980 for the Minister for the Environment and local authorities

1 Aug. 1980 (date of establishment order)




An Bord Pleanála

Determination of appeals under Section 26 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1963, dealing with references, purchase notices and misc. appeals under the Local Government (Planning and Development) Acts, 1963 and 1976; determination of appeals under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977.

1 Jan. 1977




An Chomhairle Leabharlanna

To accept from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust the gift of an Irish Central Library for students, to maintain and operate that library and to advise and assist both local authorities and the Minister for the Environment in the improvement of the public library service.

1 Jan. 1948


Water Pollution Advisory Council

Make recommendations to the Minister for the Environment in relation to any matter relevant to his functions or responsibilities concerning water pollution and to advise the Minister on any matter referred to it by him.

30 July, 1980




Local Government Computer Services Board

Organise, administer and provide or arrange the provision of, a service for the supply of computer facilities and related services for local authorities.

1 Oct. 1975


Local Government Staff Negotiations Board

To provide services to local authorities, health boards and any other designated bodies for the purpose of staff negotiations.

15 July, 1971



1. Exchequer funds only.

2. First full year of operation of Fire Prevention Council was 1979. Comparison is based on a four-year period.

3. Established as a corporate body n 1980. The Association operated on an informal basis since 1971.

4. A fixed annual grant of £2,500 is paid by the Department toward the administrative and general expenses of an Chomhairle.

5. Established in 1980.

6. No direct Exchequer funding involved.
