Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 2 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 4

Written Answers. - Training Courses.


asked the Minister for Agriculture the average number of days spent by officers of his Department on training courses each year; and if he is satisfied with the level of management and technical training in his Department.

Training provided for staff of my Department is related to the needs of individual officers or groups as determined in consultation with superior officers. Such needs are met either by the Departmental training officers or by outside bodies. An average figure could be misleading since training is based on the perceived needs of individuals or groups. However, 1,593 officers of my Department attended 203 training courses during 1981 and a total of 3,970 man-days were spent on training during the year.

Given the existing circumstances, I am satisfied with the present level of management and technical training. However, as there is always room for improvement I will continue to seek ways to improve the position.
