Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 2 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 4

Written Answers. - Training Courses.


asked the Minister for Transport the average number of days spent by officers of his Department on training courses each year; and if he is satisfied with the level of management and technical training in his Department.

Training is undertaken in the Department for management, executive and lower grades and for professional and technical grades. Training is based on the perceived needs of individual officers and grades. The bulk of course days is in respect of the professional and technical grades who comprise the majority of staff in the Department. These grades, in addition to induction training, undergo training on new equipment and new techniques as required. The Department have a full-time training officer who gives induction and development courses for the executive and lower grades. There are 11 officers involved full-time in giving professional and technical training courses in the technical services; other officers assist as required. The Department also avail of the services of a number of training agencies both in Ireland and abroad, including the Civil Service Training Centre and the Institute of Public Administration.

To give an average figure of the number of days spent by officers on training would be misleading, particularly in view of the variety, duration and range of the various courses provided. The total number of man course days in 1981 was approximately 7,600.

Given existing circumstances I am satisfied that the present level of management and technical training is adequate. There is, of course, always room for improvement and I will continue to seek ways and means of improving the position.
