Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 8 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 7

Written Answers. - Free Legal Aid Centre.


asked the Minister for Justice if he recognises the need for the provision of a free legal aid centre in the Tallaght area of County Dublin.

Under the scheme of civil legal aid and advice the establishment of law centres is a matter for the Legal Aid Board with my consent. The board have not sought my consent for establishing a law centre in Tallaght specifically but have indicated that they intend to provide "clinic" services on a part-time basis in some suburban locations in Dublin commencing with Tallaght, Ballyfermot and Ballymun. I understand that these services will be provided in Tallaght as soon as suitable accommodation becomes available there. I should make it clear that the board's plans were made in the knowledge that financial resources were necessarily limited and do not, of course, rule out consideration of Tallaght as a location for a full centre to the extent that financial resources permit of further expansion in the future.
