Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Oct 1982

Vol. 338 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - School Transport.


asked the Minister for Education if he will authorise free school transport passes for children residing in Clondalkin, County Dublin, who wish to attend the all-Irish Scoil Chronán at Rathcoole, County Dublin.

Children in Clondalkin are not eligible for free transport to Scoil Chronán, Rathcoole, as it is not their nearest all-Irish school.

Is the Minister aware that Scoil Chronán was founded by people from Clondalkin and that while it may not be the nearest all-Irish school, it is the most convenient because it has a very good bus service, which the nearest all-Irish school does not have. Would she not agree that we should do everything possible to facilitate people who want to send their children to all-Irish schools?

I have done that already. When I met the Gael Scoileanna Executive we had a discussion about the free transport situation to all-Irish schools. A suggestion was made, which I accepted, that where it would be easier for a child to get to school — perhaps not the nearest all-Irish School — on one bus journey rather than taking two or more buses to the nearest school, the Department should facilitate these children and I asked the Department to do so. I also asked the executive of Gael Scoileanna to talk to the authorities of the all-Irish schools so that this would not be to the detriment of any all-Irish school. We are awaiting the results of those discussions from the chairman of Gael Scoileanna.

Would the Minister use her good offices to ensure that the wishes of the parents are taken into account?

Would the Minister be prepared to finance the facility which is being extended to these children?

The point made by the executive of Gael Scoileanna was that in certain circumstances it would be easier for parents to sent their children to an all-Irish school which would not be their nearest school, because it would entail one simple bus journey while it might entail two or more bus journeys to send them to the nearest all-Irish school. I offered a facility which was suggested by Gael Scoileanna, and accepted by me, on the condition that it would be totally acceptable to all the all-Irish school authorities. At the moment the situation about which the Deputy is concerned does not operate because the executive of Gael Scoileanna have not yet come back to me or the Department.

Is it the intention of the Minister and the Department to extend the same facility to all children attending primary schools?

Is it still the Department's contention that the scheme is operating equitably and providing the same eligibility for all pupils?

Yes. The Deputy will agree that any parent who decides to send his child to an all-Irish school is doing so even though it may cause hardship to the children or to the parent. If we can alleviate that hardship in any way, and provided we get the consent of all the authorities of the all-Irish schools, then we should do so.

Has the additional finance been provided for in the Estimates?

Can the Minister say how much the extension of this facility will cost in a full year?

I do not have that information but if the Deputy puts down a separate question I will be delighted to give it to him.


asked the Minister for Education if he is aware that a secondary school student (details supplied) in County Waterford has been refused a free school bus service to an all-Irish speaking school in Ring, County Waterford; if he will take steps to rectify the matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The pupil in question resides in the Cappoquin catchment area and a considerable distance from the route of the service to Ring post-primary centre. The cost of providing transport to Ring for this pupil would be inordinately high and would not be warranted.

I assume that the Government support the concept of parents sending their children to all-Irish speaking schools. If that is the case, surely every effort should be made to encourage parents to continue sending their children to such schools. Should not a special effort be made to provide the necessary transport?

I would accept that every facility and support should be given but unfortunately the extra daily mileage involved in extending the service to this pupil is 40 miles. It would not be feasible to extend the service for just one pupil but I should be delighted to hear any other suggestions the Deputy may wish to make and to facilitate him if possible.

I will make a submission.
