Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Oct 1982

Vol. 338 No. 1

Written Answers. - Bandon (Cork) Traffic Plan.


asked the Minister for the Environment whether the traffic plan for Bandon, County Cork, can be adopted without prior ministerial approval of Cork city and county traffic and parking by-laws; and in this event if he will state (a) when the by-laws were lodged for approval and (b) when he expects to approve and sign them.

The draft by-laws in question were submitted by the Garda Commissioner for ministerial approval on 24 June 1981. Because of their importance as a model for similar by-laws being developed around the country and to ensure their full effectiveness, they have been the subject of a detailed examination, involving the Attorney General's Office, the Garda and my Department. This is nearly finalised and I hope to be in a position soon to approve of the Cork by-laws.

Preparing, adopting and implementing a traffic plan is for the road authority concerned and Cork County Council have not been in touch with my Department about a traffic plan for Bandon. Some elements, however, of any such plan would seem bound to relate to controls appropriate to traffic and parking by-laws. Other features would be independent of such by-laws.
