Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Apr 1983

Vol. 341 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - TV Rebroadcasting Systems .


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he has any proposals to introduce legislation on the rebroadcasting of television signals by deflector systems.

: I would refer the Deputy to the reply given by my predecessor on 28 October 1982 to a question on this subject in which he outlined the practical difficulties involved in the licensing of rebroadcasting (Official Report, volume 338, column 342). There has been no change in the position outlined in that reply.

: Will the Minister use his undoubted talents to look into this area? Perhaps his colleague will be able to give him some information on this.

: Please ask a question, Deputy.

: It is an area where people are availing of the service. I am asking the Minister——


: Order, please.

: Is the reception good down there?

: If I was not aware——


: I have no brother-in-law involved in broadcasting or rebroadcasting so I would ask the Minister of State to withdraw that.

: It is causing deflections.

: It is difficult enough for the Chair to deal with Deputies without dealing with their relations.

: I do not have a brother-in-law.

: I must check my information.

: The information concerning the Minister's receiving system is inaccurate, is that correct?

: It is totally incorrect.

: If the Deputy has a question to ask he should ask it.

: I am asking the Minister to investigate the possibility of licensing rebroadcasting units in the west. There is great revenue-earning potential there for the State.

: There is the problem of copyright. This applies not only here but in Belgium and other countries. No progress has been possible so far. I am anxious that this country will have the same type of service.

: I should like——

: Deputy Fahey may ask a question but not make a speech.

: What are the practical difficulties regarding the licensing of a deflection system? When was the last occasion his Department entered into discussions with the British broadcasting authorities on this question of copyright which, the Department say, is a stumbling block to progress in this regard? Could I also ask the Minister what proposals he has to implement a commitment given by his party, and Deputy Donnellan, made to a public meeting in Galway that Fine Gael in Government would introduce a licensing system for deflectors? This is a very controversial and emotive issue in the west.

: I gave the Deputy permission to ask a question. He asked four and all advice contained in precedents is against asking a number of supplementary questions.

: The difficulty arises because it is a Copyright Act of 1963 and anyone rebroadcasting has to have copyrights, sanctioned in this case by the BBC and the IBA. This has not been possible. I understand the Department are in constant contact about this, not just with the BBC or the Home Office who deal with it on behalf of the BBC, but with the situation that arises in Belgium and other countries. I intend to get an up-to-date position on current thinking in case there is any change in the developments we have been talking about as far as satellite television is concerned.

: I asked the Minister four questions and I deserve a reply. May I correct the Minister in relation——

: No, that is not what Question Time is about.

: In fairness, I have a reply to a Dáil question——

: Deputy Fahey can put a question without any preamble.

: I have a reply to a Dáil question which contradicts what the Minister has said and I would like to explain——

: You will have to find another platform for your question.

: I have no other platforms except Question Time and I would appreciate if you would allow me to make my point.

: I cannot let you ask any more questions.

: May I raise this matter on the adjournment?

: The Chair will communicate with Deputy Frank Fahey.

: Can the Minister see a way whereby the cable companies' rights would not be interfered with, where the technical difficulties could be solved, including that of copyright, and would he be in favour of introducing legislation in the House in order to licence a deflector system for scattered rural communities?

: It is something in which I am much interested but, as the Deputy knows, it would be for very small centres only because of the frequency difficulty. I am sorry if I misled Deputy Fahey. I understand that our Department are in constant contact with what is happening in other countries and are up-to-date on what is happening as regards the BBC and IBA in relation to copyright. They are in constant contact with other people who are seeking similar developments. However, I intend to get a report on what is happening now in case the time-lag has been considerable and in case there is a change because, with the introduction of satellite television, it is possible that there will be changes as regards copyright and the willingness of the BBC and IBA to grant copyright.

: Will the Minister acquaint himself with the decision of the Supreme Court in the United States about two years ago which came down in favour of rebroadcasting between US and Canadian television? With the advent of satellite communication the Copyright Act will become weaker so he should do something now about rebroadcasting.

: I should like to add that there is a commitment to provide for an orderly development of community radio by RTE and local community interests.
