Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Apr 1983

Vol. 341 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - P & T Staff Transfer .


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if any section of his Department will be transferred to Waterford under the decentralisation scheme.

: As the Government have already announced, this scheme is now proceeding.

: When is the Minister's Department moving to Waterford?

: As the Government have announced, the scheme is being proceeded with.

: When is the commitment going to be fulfilled?

: The Government decided on 2 February 1983 and announced the decision on 9 February 1983 that the scheme, which will involve the transfer of about 400 staff, is now proceeding.

: Is the Minister of State aware of the urgency of the matter? Will he ensure that it is proceeding with all possible haste?

: I will take note of what the Deputy said.

: Could the Minister confirm that this is the only decentralisation programme which is going ahead? I do not recall any Government statement in the matter. Would the Minister enlighten the House as to whether decentralisation to Dundalk is going ahead?

: That is a separate question and would not be directed to this Minister.

: He is not short of an answer. He is well able to answer it.

: In what format was this announcement? Was it an official release from the public service or from Posts and Telegraphs or in what format was it made by the Government?

: I cannot give details of the exact form of the announcement but it was decided on 2 February 1983 and the Government announced the decision on 9 February that this scheme, which would involve the transfer of 400 of the staff to Waterford, is not proceeding.


: Sin scéal eile. The Minister left out the negative the first time. Jumping Jehoshaphat, what next?

: This bears out what I said. Apart from a Government decision, it is obvious now why we could see no development as far as a transfer of this section of the Department to Waterford is concerned. This is a shame as far as this Government are concerned, with the widespread unemployment in Waterford especially among young people who are crying out for jobs and especially for this type of work. I am shocked that this commitment has been reneged on by this Government.

: Deputy Fahey should put a question.

: I understand from the Department of Finance that the cancellation of the decentralisation programme will result in a saving of £5 million in 1983 and the saving in subsequent years will be in excess of £40 million.
