Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Jun 1983

Vol. 343 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Heifer Scheme.


Mr. Noonan

(Limerick West), Mr. H. Byrne and Mr. Kitt asked the Minister for Agriculture if it is his intention to continue the heifer scheme in view of the present low level of the national herd.

Applications for the 1983 calved heifer scheme are now available at local offices of my Department. The scheme continues to provide for payment of a £70 grant which, however, will be paid as a straight grant on additional heifers calving down in 1983 regardless of borrowings by the applicant.

(Limerick West): I am glad the Minister accepted The Way Forward and agreed to continue the scheme introduced last year.

Is it the Minister's intention to increase the grant?

That is a separate question.

Will the Minister tell us the numbers paid for under the scheme last year?

It is important to point out the very big difference in the way the scheme has been administered this year compared with last year. Last year a farmer had to have a certain amount borrowed and this caused considerable difficulties. This year there is a £70 straight grant. That will be good news for many farmers. So far as the numbers are concerned, the total cow number in June 1981 was just short of seven million; in June 1982, it was 6.69 million; and in December 1982, it was 5.78 million.

Because of the low level of the national herd is it the Government's intention to introduce a scheme of their own to increase the herd? Does the Minister agree that the low level of the herd is bad for the economy?

(Limerick West): Is the Minister aware that there has been a reduction in cow numbers? If so, could he give any reason for this?

Deputies will be aware that farmers have experienced considerable difficulties with our breeding herd for the past number of years and that many factors contributed to that situation. I have no doubt the payment of this straight cash grant will ensure that many more maiden heifers will be put in calf in 1983 and therefore will bring us the types of numbers that will be good not alone for farmers but for the economy generally.

Mr. Leonard

Would the Minister not agree that some steps will have to be taken following the publication of recent statistics which show a drop in the numbers of in-calf heifers?

The problem with the national herd is this: as Deputies are aware a variety of factors contributed to this trend but I firmly believe we will have an upward trend this year. I want the House to realise that this £70 straight grant comes from the national coffers.

I would remind Deputies that it is not reasonable to have an Estimate debate on each question. Question No. 3.

Do the Government have an increased target in mind this year? If so, what is the figure?

As I pointed out, we hope we will be able to reverse the trend and I believe this cash incentive will do that. I sincerely hope that by this time next year there will be a sharp upswing in the number of in-calf heifers.

Does the Minister have a target?
