Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Jun 1983

Vol. 343 No. 7

Written Answers. - County Galway Road Roundabouts.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he has sanctioned the construction of roundabouts at Moneenageesha Cross, County Galway, at the junctions adjacent to Galway shopping centre and the Regional Hospital, Galway; and when it is hoped to proceed with works on those roundabouts.

The detailed planning and the timing of the execution of works on this road are primarily a matter for the road authority, Galway Corporation.

Proposals for a roundabout at Moneenageesha Cross have not yet been received in my Department. Proposals for a roundabout at the junction adjacent to the shopping centre and for traffic lights at the junction adjacent to the regional hospital have been approved by my Department.
