Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Oct 1983

Vol. 345 No. 1

Written Answers. - Telephone Service.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone service will be provided for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin whose application has been pending for some five years; and if he will confirm that applications from this area are being dealt with in strict rotation as it appears to him that persons who applied considerably later have already been provided with service.

Terms will be quoted to the person named within the next week or so and service will be provided within about three months after the necessary agreement has been signed.

Applications in this area, as in other areas, are dealt with in rotation subject to the availability and lay out of plant.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone will be repaired for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin as it has been out of order for six weeks.

asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone service will be provided for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 8, as she has a handicapped child on whose behalf medical certificates which date from last March have been forwarded and as she is in desperate need of a telephone.

I understand fully the frustration felt at the delay in providing telephones. Regrettably, however, it will not be possible to meet this application until necessary additional engineering work is carried out.

The objective of the Department's current telephone development programme is to provide a fully satisfactory telephone service nationally in terms of both quality and availability by the end of 1984 and it is expected that service will be provided for the person named during the first half of next year.
