Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Nov 1983

Vol. 345 No. 12

Written Answers. - Company's Tax Debts.


asked the Minister for the Gaeltacht if he will state arising out of his reply to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 269 and 270 dated 8 November 1983 in the case of a company (details supplied) the total due to the Revenue Commissioners by way of PAYE and VAT at the date of its closure; and the reasons this company went into liquidation in the short period of its existence.

Ní gnó domsa eolas a fháil ná a thabhairt maidir le dliteanais do na Coimisinéirí loncaim.

Tuigim ó Údarás na Gaeltachta go ndeachaigh an comhlacht sin i mbun oibre sa bhliain 1978 agus gur toisc gur tháinig laghdú ar an éileamh idirnáisiúnta ar a phríomhtháirge a d'imigh sé as gnó.
