Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 26 Jan 1984

Vol. 347 No. 5

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Emergency Rescue Unit.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he will establish an emergency rescue unit, which could be contacted at all times by those in distress during gales, snow or storms, particularly in the north-west region.

In so far as local authorities are concerned, detailed guidelines were issued by my Department last October to assist them in revising their local plans to deal with emergencies arising from severe weather conditions and all the necessary arrangements as regards advance warnings from the Meteorological Office were made. In addition, capital funds were provided in 1983 and I will be providing further capital in 1984 to assist local authorities in meeting the cost of specialist snow-clearing equipment. These arrangements appear to be working satisfactorily in present circumstances in the north-west as in other areas. The need for any further improvements in these arrangements will be kept under review in the light of experience of their present working.

In view of the fact that the Minister has made and will be making further moneys available to the local authorities, he cannot direct them, but would he request them to put special notices in the local papers indicating that this facility is available? In my county and in my constituency, in particular, the people are not aware of this facility. Might I say with the greatest respect to the workers who are doing their utmost at the moment that there is something drastically wrong with the administration of this scheme, because Donegal County Council were somewhat indignant at the fact that I contacted the Department of the Environment on Monday morning last indicating that I wanted this emergency rescue unit. If I was so ignorant of the fact that I did not know it, what chance have the local community of knowing?

I take the Deputy's very valid point, that there is no point in having all of these arrangements if people are not so aware. I will advise local authorities to use whatever method they can to advise the general body of people.
