Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Mar 1984

Vol. 349 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Primary Teacher Training.


asked the Minister for Education the number of students called for primary teacher training in each year from 1980 to 1983.

The numbers admitted to the colleges of education in each of the years in question were as follows: 1980, 1,126; 1981, 910; 1982, 723; 1983, 620.

Following the reply to Question No. 7 would the Minister agree that this is a further indication that she has no intention whatever of reducing the pupil-teacher ratio. Surely the Minister would agree that a reduction from 1,100 student teachers in 1980 to 600 in 1983 is a sign of a downward progression in teacher training?

That would arise more on the next question.

That downward trend in the number of student teachers must entail a raising of the pupil-teacher ratio in future years?

I can assure the Deputy that that is not my intention.

Do not the figures given by the Minister mean that there must be an increase in the pupil-teacher ratio when these student teachers filter through?

Of course there are other factors relating to the numbers of teachers available such as how many retirements are due to take place in any given year. There are other factors apart from the intake of students.

In view of the pattern there, is the Minister saying to us that there has been a decrease in the school-going population or that projections over the next few years would so indicate? Does she not agree that this reflects an increase in the appropriate pupil-teacher ratio?

The reduction in the intake to the colleges does not reflect an increase in the student-teacher ratio which Deputy Mac Giolla appeared afraid of. The bulge of those of schoolgoing age at each of the different levels has passed through primary and the primary sector is stable and probably will fall in the next few years whereas in the post-primary sector it is growing considerably.

While perhaps I agree with the stability in the numbers, I could not agree with decreases as presented to me, therefore I could not agree with the Minister's interpretation. In view of the pattern here, is it envisaged that the position should be improved regarding teacher intake in the coming year and the subsequent year?

No, it is not envisaged. The important thing is that we would be able to find employment for as many of the qualified teachers as there are in the country.

I have a final short question. The Minister made the point that the numbers at primary school are stabilised and will not increase. Could she give us some idea of where she got that projection? I have seen projections that there are 500,000 primary school students at the moment and that is expected to increase to 600,000 within a decade. Could the Minister explain where she got her figures?

I am sorry, that was in answer to a supplementary question and I have not positive information on it in front of me. The Deputy's dual figures strike me also as not being very accurate, but perhaps I could answer a separate question on that on another occasion.
