Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Nov 1984

Vol. 354 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Air Pollution.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he is aware that the latest monitoring date of the Dublin Corporation's atmospheric and noise control unit shows an alarming increase in air pollution levels in Dublin last winter, particularly in the Ballyfermot, Rathmines and Cabra areas; the measures being taken to reduce the levels of air pollution; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I am aware the Dublin Corporation's monitoring results for the year ended March 1984 show an unwelcome increase over the previous year's levels for sulphur dioxide and smoke in some areas. In the case of sulphur dioxide, while the EC limit values were not reached at any of the city's 14 monitoring points, concentrations recorded for the months of July to December 1983, inclusive, were all higher than those for the corresponding months of the previous year. In the case of smoke concentrations, a number of breaches of the EC limit values were recorded in some areas, including those mentioned by the Deputy.

Dublin Corporation have commissioned an international consulting laboratory specialising in air pollution monitoring to assess the present monitoring network with a view to ensuring that the results accurately reflect ambient pollution levels in all areas. Changes in population and industry which have taken place in recent years are being examined by the consultants, who will also make recommendations regarding site changes for monitors or additions to the network.

I am concerned at the recurrence of high smoke pollution levels but there is no easy solution. Efforts are being made to promote greater use of natural gas at the expense of both oil and solid fuels for all purposes—commercial, industrial and domestic—with a view to alleviating the smoke problem. As the Deputy is probably aware, the Government have provided substantial financial support for the Dublin Gas Company to develop the use of natural gas throughout the Dublin area. My Department have approved the provision of a mains supply of natural gas to several new local authority housing schemes in the Dublin area and will continue to consider favourably any reasonably costed proposals from the local authorities for the provision of natural gas to new houses. The scope for encouragement of greater use of smokeless fuels is also being examined. In so far as legislation is concerned, I am aware that the existing controls in regard to air pollution are in need of amendment to take account of present conditions and EC requirements. The work of preparing the necessary amending legislation is at present being undertaken in my Department.

Could the Minister give some idea of the reasons for the increase in air pollution levels in Ballyfermot? In 1981 EC pollution levels were exceeded 13 times but last winter they were exceeded 41 times. Has the Minister been able to identify the reasons for this increase? Are domestic consumers responsible or are there other factors?

It appears that the domestic consumers are responsible but that is not ruling out that there may be some industrial element involved as well. We believe that in the area the Deputy mentioned the reason for the increase is due to the return to solid fuel heating.

The Minister must be aware that this has been a factor for the past four or five years at least. There has been widespread discussion about the increasing use of coal and, therefore, an increase in air pollution. Is the Minister saying that nothing has been done about this but that now they are thinking of introducing legislation? By the time the legislation is produced it is possible that the usage of coal will have decreased but the damage will have been done to people's health, particularly young people's. In the proposed legislation will the Minister be trying to introduce some type of clean air Bill which will restrict householders as regards the use of smokeless fuel?

Clean air will be taken into account.

When will this legislation be taken?

The heads of Bills are ready.

Will it be taken next session?

The middle of next year.

Yes, given that the heads of Bills are now ready. I am saying this will be taken in the middle of the year and I think I am reasonably accurate.
