Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 13 Dec 1984

Vol. 354 No. 12

Written Answers. - Dundalk Market Square.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will refund to Dundalk Urban District Council the £400,000 acquisition cost of the market square in the town.

My involvement in this matter arises solely from the fact that the Special Border Areas Programme Fund, from which the Dundalk Urban District Council is seeking recoupment of the purchase price of the site in question, is administered by my Department.

The market square site was acquired by Dundalk Urban District Council without any reference to my Department in regard to the means of financing the purchase. The purchase price paid was considerably in excess of the valuation placed on the site by the Valuation Office. In the circumstances I am not prepared to recoup Dundalk Urban District Council in respect of the purchase price. I might add that the Special Border Areas Programme Fund is financing the construction of a Tourism Information Office on part of the site and the provision of an amenity area on the remainder of the site.
