asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of smallholders assessed for factual assessment; the number in each county; the number who appealed; the number who got an increase in payment; and the average waiting period for a decision on appeals.
Written Answers. - Smallholder Statistics.
The only statistics available are in respect of smallholders formerly in receipt of unemployment assistance based on a notional means assessment whose means have been reassessed on a factual basis under the provisions of the Social Welfare Act, 1983, which came into operation in April 1983.
The statistics are not maintained on a county basis but the position for the country as a whole as at 31 January was as follows: Total cases decided, 9,688; Number whose payment increased, 2,812. Separate statistics are not maintained in relation to the number of appeals against factual assessment decisions, on the time taken to deal with the appeals or on their outcome. All decisions on appeals are made by appeals officers who deal with cases as quickly as possible. Due to the increased number of persons applying for appeals under the various social welfare schemes, there has been some unavoidable lengthening of the time involved in clearing cases. The position is being kept under review with a view to ensuring that delays in dealing with all appeals cases are kept to a minimum.