Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 28 Mar 1985

Vol. 357 No. 5

Written Answers. - Enterprise Allowance Scheme.


asked the Minister for Labour if he will give details of the training and after-care given to successful applicants in the enterprise development programme in the running of a small business; the total number of applicants approved to date; the date of introduction of the scheme; and if he will give an indication of the success of the enterprises developed to date.

The enterprise allowance scheme was introduced on 19 December 1983. The first participants entered the scheme during the first week of January 1984. Applicants may avail themselves of courses run by AnCO which are specifically designed for persons about to set up their own enterprises. In a number of regions night courses, day seminars and information concerning various aspects of business skills are provided by local vocational education committees in conjunction with the National Manpower Service for participants in the enterprise allowance scheme.

The Confederation of Irish Industry in conjunction with the National Manpower Service is involved in a pilot project in Sligo. This project involves a panel of business, industrial, and financial advisers voluntarily giving advice and assisting participants on the scheme. It also includes short evening courses sponsored by AnCO. It is hoped to gather experience from this pilot project and gradually extend similar services to other regions. In addition, officers of the National Manpower Service at NMS Offices and during monitoring sessions provide advice and information to participants.

The total number of applicants approved to date is approximately 6,682. Of these 441 left the scheme prior to completing the normal one year participation period. A further number of approximately 800 have reached the end of their one year participation period in the scheme. The number of participants now in the scheme is 5,442. Information received from the National Manpower Service in regard to the sustained demand for participation, the low drop out rate and the steady increase in participation indicate that the scheme to date has been most successful. An evaluation of the scheme is being undertaken at present.
