Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 21 May 1985

Vol. 358 No. 8

Written Answers. - Redundancy Payment.


asked the Minister for Labour when payment of a redundancy claim will be made to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

My Department has not received an application for payment of a redundancy lump sum to the person concerned. I understand, however, that he was employed by a company which is now in receivership.

In order to pursue a claim for payment of a redundancy lump sum, the employee concerned should, if he has not already done so, apply in writing to the receiver of the company — form RP77 may be used for this purpose. If the receiver gives him a redundancy certificate (form RP2), he should then complete an application form RP14 and submit it with the redundancy certificate to my Department for payment of the lump sum from the redundancy and empoloyers' insolvency fund. If, however, the receiver refuses or fails to give him a redundancy certificate, the employee may appeal to the Employment Appeals Tribunal in order to establish his entitlement to a redundancy lump sum. If the tribunal awards him a redundancy lump sum, the employee may then apply to my Department for payment from the redundancy and employers' insolvency fund, by submitting a completed application form RP14 together with a copy of the tribunal award. I am arranging to have copies of the forms in question sent to the Deputy.
