Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Jul 1985

Vol. 360 No. 2

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 13, 1 and 14 — Vote 47.

By agreement, the Dáil shall sit later than 9 p.m. today and not later than 12.30 a.m. tomorrow and business shall be interrupted tonight at 12 midnight.

Also by agreement, the proceedings on the remaining Stages of the Social Welfare (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1984, shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 1.30 p.m. today by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only amendments set down by the Minister for Social Welfare.

Also by agreement, the proceedings on all Stages of the Transport Bill, 1985, shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 7 p.m. today by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only amendments set down by the Minister for Communications.

Also by agreement, the proceedings on Vote 47 shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 12 midnight and the Minister for Health shall be called on to conclude not later than 11.45 p.m.

Also by agreement, if a division is challenged on the Estimate today the taking of such division shall be postponed until 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday next.

Private Members Business shall be No. 25.

Are the special arrangements for taking the order of today's business and a division on the Estimate, should it arise, agreed to? Agreed.

I would remind Members that the postponed division on the Estimate for Fisheries and Forestry will be taken at 8.30 p.m. tonight.

On the Order of Business, may I ask the Taoiseach, or the Minister for Finance, or the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism — as they are all here — if, in view of the decision to place a receiver in Irish Leathers last week, he will try to get a stay of execution on any action pending a full investigation into the operation of the three plants? There was a suggestion last week that there had been a loss of £1.5 million in Portlaw and the workforce totally refute that.

I am sorry, Deputy Ormonde. I cannot allow that on the Order of Business.

You may not allow it, but the livelihood of not a factory but an entire town is dependent on this.

I cannot allow it. I shall communicate with Deputy Ormonde.

I am seeking to raise on the Adjournment the continuous long delays in the hearing of High Court cases in Cork, despite the recent appointment by the Minister for Justice of a third High Court judge there. Also, I wish to raise the accusation made by Justice Gannon——

I shall communicate with Deputy Allen. I cannot allow a speech, Deputy.

Also, the accusation made by Justice Gannon in the High Court——

I cannot allow a speech.

I am just telling you that I want to raise on the Adjournment——

You are giving the reasons; you are making a case.

The Deputy need not raise the matter on the Adjournment. He has made his speech.

I shall communicate with Deputy Allen.

Could I ask a question, which was not allowed yesterday, on the restricted nature of the payment of grants held over from 1983 with regard to farm development?

I shall communicate with the Deputy.
