Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 3 Dec 1985

Vol. 362 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Social Employment Scheme.


asked the Minister for Labour if he will extend the Social Employment Scheme criteria for eligibility to cater for the following categories who are presently ineligible — (a) personnel who are suitably qualified for various schemes but who for personal or other reasons have not drawn or signed for unemployment assistance and have no other source of income, and (b) married women who are ineligible to draw unemployment assistance, and persons who are drawing unemployment benefit, both categories which are deemed eligible by employing organisations or committees which have negotiated and interviewed through the Labour exchanges and NMS offices and where suitable and willing personnel have not been found from among the ranks deemed eligible to date.

In deciding the criteria for eligibility for the social employment scheme, we aimed at targeting the scheme on those over 25 years who were long term unemployed as defined by an objective measure and minimising the additional Exchequer costs. The criteria for eligibility were specifically designed to ensure that the scheme would assist those people most in need of income support and special employment measures. Under the social welfare system persons who have been unemployed for one year or over and who are receiving unemployment assistance at present are uniquely identified with this category of need. Covering the groups mentioned by the Deputy would not meet these objectives.

As regards married women, the Deputy will be aware of the provisions of the Social Welfare (No. 2) Act, 1985. It is hoped to introduce the relevant provisions of this Act as early as possible.

We have now, however, reached 50 per cent of the targeted participation for the scheme and are currently undertaking an indepth review. The question of widening the eligibility criteria will be considered in the context of this review.

I am sure the Minister is aware that there are many people who find it more beneficial not to work. Is he aware that there are people in the category mentioned who are more than one year unemployed but are not receiving unemployment assistance? In cases where other Government agencies have been unsuccessful in filling these voluntary schemes, would he be prepared to extend the criteria if exceptional cases were brought to his attention?

We are looking at the question of the criteria for qualification to participate under the social employment scheme and I would be prepared to look at the proposal made by Deputy Kenny.

I thank the Minister.
