Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Dec 1985

Vol. 362 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Moneypoint Generating Station.


asked the Minister for Energy when the ESB coal-burning generating station comes on stream at Moneypoint and the amount by which he will be reducing the ESB natural gas allocation at that point.

The first unit at Moneypoint is at present undergoing pre-commissioning tests and will be fully operational shortly. The second and third units are expected to come on stream in June, 1986 and April 1987 respectively. These dates are approximate.

An examination of the long term development of the gas industry, including the optimum allocation of the balance of the Kinsale Head reserves, is currently under way. Pending completion of this examination, I am not in a position to comment on future gas allocations to the Electricity Supply Board.

Can the Minister give any indication of the volumes of gas at present being used by the ESB and whether these will be phased down gradually as the Moneypoint station comes into operation?

It would be inappropriate to go into the volumes. There will be a rescheduling for a five year allocation of 150 mm cfd up to the end of 1987. Obviously there will be a complete rebalance of energy supply or gas usage when Moneypoint is on stream and fully operational. As I said, an examination of the long term development of the gas industry is under way at present. I am expecting a report early in the New Year and I do not think it would be wise to comment until we have that report in relation to longer term strategy for gas usage and allocation.

When will the first, second and third stages come on stream? Does the Minister expect any serious dip in the amount of gas being taken up by the ESB in the next 12 months? It will have a bearing on the whole distribution area of gas. What is the timetable for the introduction of Moneypoint stages 1, 2 and 3 and what are the stage reductions that will take place as they come on stream?

In my reply I said that at present Moneypoint 1 is undergoing preconditioning tests which I presume should be completed fairly shortly. The second and third units are expected to be on stream in June 1986 and April 1987. Deputies must appreciate that the question of gas usage by the ESB is not static. For example, there was an increase in 1984. The ESB asked for a substantial increase in allocation and they had projected increases into the future. The board of the ESB are concerned to reduce their dependency on heavy fuel oil. There will be a balancing to be done and, on receipt of the report of the consultants in early 1986, I will be in a better position to clarify for the House what the medium term strategy will be for the usage of natural gas.

With regard to the substantial increase given to the ESB in 1984 will the Minister confirm to the House if that was at an increased price or at the original price? In other words, was it 24 or 32?

It was somewhere in between.

We must move on to the next question.

The Minister was about to answer my question had he been given the chance.

I was not. I have to keep some confidentiality in regard to such dealings.

There can be no such thing as confidentiality in regard to this.

Will the Minister say who is undertaking the review he mentioned? Is the review being carried out by the Department, the ESB or a private consultancy firm?

The name of the consultancy firm is Sofregaz de France.

The Minister is keeping it within the EC.

Good socialists.
