Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 26 Nov 1986

Vol. 370 No. 3

Written Answers. - Expenditure on Consultancy Services.


asked the Minister for Energy the total amount expended by his Department for consultancy services for the years ending 31 December 1984 and 1985; and if he will give a detailed breakdown of this expenditure and the companies involved.

The total amounts expended by my Department in the years 1984 and 1985 in respect of consultancy services were £530,677 and £874,858, respectively. In 1984, 25 firms or individual consultants were involved and the equivalent figure for 1985 was 29.

Bearing in mind the very sensitive, security, strategic, and commercial considerations involved in relation to the resources in the care of my Department, I am satisfied that it would not be in the national interest to publish the identity of the consultants employed in the particular assignments. I can, however, give to the Deputy a breakdown of the expenditure under the various areas of activity. Details are as follows:


Petroleum exploration (£210,475), natural gas development (£189,777), mining (£56,455), ESB price inquiry (£55,008), miscellaneous (£18,962).


Mining (£398,688), natural gas development (£247,075), petroleum exploration (£191,400), oil (£25,369) and miscellaneous (£12,326).
