Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 May 1987

Vol. 372 No. 11

Written Answers. - Monaghan Social Welfare Office.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the social welfare office in Monaghan town is situated in the same building as an amusement arcade; if he considers this arrangement to be appropriate; if he will make alternative arrangements for the location of the office; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The office in question is one of the Department's 81 branch employment offices all of which are supplied and managed on a contract basis. The contracts with branch employment managers require them to provide suitably furnished premises with adequate counter and other facilities necessary for the efficient provision of services to the public. In determining the suitability of applicants for the post of manager my Department gives consideration; to a range of factors including the location and suitability of premises. The branch employment office has been located for some ten years in rented accommodation on the upper floor of a two storey building. A portion of the ground floor is occupied by a person who operates a small scale amusement arcade. This business, which it is understood has been in operation for several years is entirely separate from the branch employment office and there is no business connection between the branch manager and the operation of the amusement arcade.

While I understand the Deputy's concern, I am satisfied that the accommodation arrangements in Monaghan branch employment office are generally satisfactory and that they are not giving rise to problems in relation to the operation of the social welfare services. Needless to say matters of this nature in relation to all branch employment offices are the subject of regular review by my Department and steps are taken to remedy any problems as they arise.
