Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 4 Jun 1987

Vol. 373 No. 3

Urban Renewal (Amendment) Bill, 1987: Order for Second Stage.

Bill entitled an Act to amend the Urban Renewal Act, 1986, and to provide for related matters.

I move: "That Second Stage be ordered for Tuesday, 9 June", subject to agreement between the Whips.

Question put and agreed to.

I very much resent the fact that the Taoiseach can decide what is and what is not in order.


Sit down.

Hospitals are closing and there is a big doubt about the validity of the regulations in relation to health contributions. The Chair should make a decision rather than the Taoiseach.

The Chair has decided.

The Deputy need have no worries about that.

May we have an answer on it?


Please, Deputy Allen, you are totally out of order. Item No. 6 please.
