Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Dec 1987

Vol. 376 No. 5

Private Notice Question. - B & I Industrial Dispute.

asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if in view of the collapse of last night's talks he will intervene in the dispute involving B & I and ships' officers of that company which is seriously threatening the future of the shipping line.

On Thursday 3 December 1987, the following statement was issued by the Government Information Services:

The Government are not prepared to consider a B & I Plan of Action which has not secured across-the-board support of the company's workforce. Seven days are being allowed by the Government from today's date after which a decision will be made by the Government on the future of the B & I.

The Government today reaffirmed the position indicated by their statement of 3 December. The position now is that if the B & I Plan of Action has not secured the across-the-board support of the B & I's workforce by the deadline given in the statement, namely 10th December, the Government will withdraw financial support from the company.

As things stand, it certainly looks as if the B & I Company will close down. That is why I am asking the Minister if he will intervene, seeing that the talks have collapsed. It needs the Minister's intervention at this stage. There appears to be a possibility that the ships officers may not be totally unreasonable in their attitude, that the manning levels which they are being asked to operate could be extremely dangerous and might lead to a tragedy of the same proportions as that which affected the Herald of Free Enterprise. Would the Minister look at that aspect? I am sure that these 149 ships officers can hardly be so unreasonable that they would jeopardise the jobs of 1,400 men. It needs ministerial intervention at this stage. I am asking the Minister if he will examine the position rather than let the company collapse.

The board and unions were informed in May last that they were to present an agreed plan to the Government. It was made quite clear, beyond all shadow of doubt, that the Government would consider an agreed plan and only an agreed plan. I have nothing further to add to what I have already said in my reply.

We can take it from that that the B & I Shipping Company are finished, that they will close down in the next few days. Is the Minister willing to allow that to happen?

The board of management and the workers are involved in this discussion. I am awaiting an agreed plan from them. I have nothing further to add to that.

On a point of clarification, may I ask the Minister if an agreed plan requires 100 per cent agreement of the workforce involved or 92 per cent agreement? Secondly, would he not agree that if the members of the Seamen's Union of Ireland have accepted the new "at sea" conditions pertaining to staff at sea, it is not unreasonable to believe that what was good enough for the men and, indeed, women, of that union, should equally be good enough for the officers of another union?

I agree with Deputy Quinn that the union mentioned by him made a very earnest effort to have an agreed plan finalised. I must pay them tribute in the House. With regard to the question as it is and the supplementary question, I am still awaiting an agreed plan covering all sectors, all unions in the B & I Company.

That disposes of ordinary questions, questions nominated for priority and Private Notice Questions for today.
