Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 11 Feb 1988

Vol. 377 No. 8

Written Answers. - Meath Housing Schemes.


asked the Minister for the Environment when he received for approval the tender for the building of four county council houses in Slane, County Meath; and when he expects to give sanction for same.


asked the Minister for the Environment when he received for approval the tender for the building of four county council houses in Skryne, County Meath; and when he expects to give sanction for same.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 91 and 92 together.

The tender submissions for the schemes in Skryne and Slane, the technical aspects of which are generally acceptable, were received in my Department in January and March 1987, respectively. It was not possible to sanction these schemes in 1987 and they could not be funded within the allocation for local authority housing for that year.

Pending examination of the housing authorities' claims for capital allocations for their 1988 housing construction programme, which were recently received in my Department, it is not possible to indicate what funds will be available to individual authorities to finance their housing programme in 1988 and consequently when these or any other schemes may be approved.
