Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Feb 1988

Vol. 378 No. 3

Written Answers. - Arterial Drainage Scheme.


asked the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the arterial drainage work on the River Lung and Breedogue catchment areas and the resulting greatly improved flow of the rivers, was in turn causing flooding greater than any previously experienced along the Boyle River particularly between Cuppenagh Bridge, County Sligo and Tinnecarra, County Roscommon; if his attention has further been drawn to the fact that Boyle River channel and entrance to the channel has become badly silted with the drainage work upstream, and that farmland previously free of floods was now susceptible to severe flooding; and in view of this new difficulty; the action he proposes to take to alleviate the problem.


asked the Minister for Finance the provisions which have been made in the Bonet-Boyle arterial drainage scheme for work on the Boyle River channel itself between Lough Gara and the Shannon; the financial allocation which has been made for this; the provisions, if any, which have been made for the drainage of tributaries of the Boyle River as distinct from the Lung and the Breedogue; and the tributaries which are to be drained.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 44 and 47 together.

Some years ago, a scheme of major improvement works, designed to accommodate the run-off following drainage, at some future date, of the remainder of the Boyle catchment, was carried out by the Office of Public Works to the main channel of the Boyle River from Lough Gara to Lough Key. This scheme entailed the removal of a rock shoal at Tinnecarra, County Roscommon, deepening and widening works up to Lough Gara and the general improvement of the river down to Lough Key. These works will be maintained under the Boyle catchment drainage scheme currently in progress. I have received no complaints of increased siltation or flooding of the Boyle River as a result of the current arterial drainage works.

In addition to the Lung and Breedogue sub-catchments, the Drumanone, Cloonloogh-Tivanagh and Cuppenagh-Kiltybrannock groups of tributaries are included in the current scheme at a total cost, estimated at the commencement of works in 1982, at £70,000.


asked the Minister for Finance if it is intended to drain the Bonet River between Dromahair and Lough Gill and to alleviate the new problems arising in the Killery area, County Sligo, from the arterial drainage work upstream; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

While the available resources of the Bonet scheme are being concentrated, in the first instance, on the scheduled scheme works, I have instructed the Commissioners of Public Works to give these additional areas priority consideration when applications for further works are being pursued. Having regard to the extent of the scheduled works still to be completed, I could not say at this stage when any additional works might be undertaken.
