Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Jun 1988

Vol. 382 No. 11

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of men and women who have had disability benefit discontinued following examination by the medical referee since 1 January 1988; the number who opted to appeal their cases over the same period; and the number who have opted for unemployment benefit.

From 1 January to 27 May 1988, out of a monthly average of 75,700 claims, a total of 9,226 claimants were deemed capable of work by a medical referee and subsequently had their disability benefit payments disallowed by a deciding officer of the Department.

In the same period 2,743 claimants appealed the decision to disallow payment of benefit.

With regard to the figures for men and women, statistics are not readily available in a manner which would show the information sought by the Deputy.

The Department are not in a position to give details of claimants who claim unemployment benefit following the disallowance of disability benefit.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if his attention has been drawn to the serious hardship which has been created for married couples because of the change in regulation which does not allow for a mortgage payment in the means test where the husband is on unemployment assistance and the wife working; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

It was necessary to revise the legislative provisions relating to the assessment of means for unemployment assistance in the context of the implementation of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. The necessary provisions were made in the Social Welfare (No. 2) Act, 1985.

Prior to the implementation of the equal treatment provisions allowance was made for rent or mortgage payments where the wife of an unemployment assistance claimant was employed under a contract of service. The allowance, which was deducted from the net earnings of the claimant's wife, was given as a household expense when assessing the value to the husband as "head of the household" of his wife's income from employment.

Under the new arrangements contained in the 1985 Act, the head of household concept no longer applies and the income of both spouses must be taken fully into account. Allowance is made, however, in respect of employment related expenses incurred by the working spouse.

Assistance to persons on unemployment assistance who have difficulty in meeting mortgage repayments can be provided in certain circumstances under the supplementary welfare allowance scheme.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a decision will be given in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Cork whose invalidity pension was withdrawn.

Invalidity pension is payable to people who satisfy the contribution conditions and who are regarded as permanently incapable of work. The person concerned was examined on 11 March 1988 by a medical referee who expressed the opinion that he was capable of work. A deciding officer decided that he was, therefore, not entitled to invalidity pension.

The person concerned appealed this decision. He was examined on 15 June 1988 by a different medical referee who was also of the opinion that he was capable of work. The person concerned has been invited to have his case referred to an appeals officer for determination. His entitlement to the pension will be further considered in the light of the appeals officer's decision.
