Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Jun 1988

Vol. 382 No. 11

Written Answers. - Local Authorities.


asked the Minister for the Environment the total number of local authorities; the total budgets over which they preside; the total membership and staffing in each case; the total salaries and wages bill; if he will outline the duties performed by such bodies; and if he proposes any change in those arrangements.

The duties and powers of local authorities are prescribed in a large body of legislation. Local authority services can most conveniently be summarised in the form of the programme group classification which applies (except in the case of town commissioners) for the purposes of local authority estimates and accounts, as follows: 1. Housing and Building, 2. Road Transportation and Safety, 3. Water Supply and Sewerage, 4. Development Incentives and Controls, 5. Environmental Protection, 6. Recreation and Amenity, 7. Agriculture, Education, Health and Welfare, 8. Miscellaneous Services.

The powers of town commissioners are limited to certain functions in the areas of local authority housing, public lighting, domestic refuse collection, school meals and cheap fuel schemes and some minor miscellaneous functions.

In so far as changes in the powers of local authorities are concerned, this falls to be considered in the context of the local government reorganisation programme which is under consideration at present in my Department.

The relevant information in relation to the total number of local authorities and their total expenditure, membership, staffing and salaries and wages is set out in the following tabular statement:

1. Total number of local authorities


2. Estimated total expenditure (current and capital) by local authorities in 1988

£1,200 million

3. Total membership of local authorities


4. Total staffing of local authorities at 31 December 1987


5. Estimated total salaries and wages of all local authorities in 1986

£338 million


(a) The figure at 1 above relates to directly elected local authorities viz. county councils, county borough councils, borough councils, urban district councils and town commissioners.

(b) The figures at 1, 3 and 4 above are based on the most recent returns submitted by local authorities.

(c) The figure at 4 includes permanent, temporary and part time staff.
