Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Nov 1988

Vol. 384 No. 5

Written Answers. - Newport, Tipperary, School.


asked the Minister for Education if her attention has been drawn to the fact that St. Mary's secondary school, Newport, County Tipperary is one under quota in respect of its teaching staff and has had to employ two part-time teachers to try to continue the curriculum of last year; that one of these part-time teachers has not yet been paid by her Department; and that a capital payment of over £5,000 has not yet been paid to the school by her Department even though the building has been completed and in use for the past eight years.


asked the Minister for Education if she has received representations regarding the provision of moneys to St. Mary's secondary school, Convent of Mercy, Newport, County Tipperary; and if she will accede to these representations.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 236 and 240 together.

The vacancy in this school arises from the granting of voluntary redundancy to one of the teachers which was awarded exceptionally at the request of the manager on the clear understanding that the resulting vacancy would not be filled in the 1988-89 school year. The question of my Department paying a part-time teacher does not therefore arise.

My Department's records show that the final account for the extension project at St. Mary's secondary school, Newport, County Tipperary was approved on 31 July, 1987 in the sum of £503,884.01. A grant of 80 per cent of this sum was paid by my Department in accordance with the procedures for grant aid for recognised secondary school building projects. Consequently there are no moneys due to the school from the Department in respect of that transaction.
