Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 Feb 1989

Vol. 386 No. 8

Written Answers. - County Wexford Schools.


asked the Minister for Education when an extension will be built for a primary school (details supplied) in County Wexford; and if construction will take place in 1989.

My Department are at present awaiting the submission of planning permission by the school authorities for the approved extension to the national school in County Wexford referred to by the Deputy. When planning permission has been received the preparation of tender documents will be put in hands. It is my intention that there will be no undue delay within my Department concerning this project.


asked the Minister for Education the reason for the delay in the commencement of construction of a primary school (details supplied) in County Wexford; and when construction will start.

It has been agreed to grant aid the provision of the new national school in County Wexford referred to by the Deputy. The preparation of tender documents for the project is in hands and will be completed at the earliest possible date. When the tender documents have been completed, I will be in a position to consider the invitation of tenders for the project and I will then communicate a decision in this respect to the school authorities.

I am not in a position at this stage to say when building works may commence. This project has been the subject of much examination in my Department and discussions with the school authorities which have, of necessity, been time consuming.


asked the Minister for Education the present position regarding full approval for a new primary school (details supplied) in County Wexford; and if financial provision will be made for the construction of this in 1989.

I recently met a delegation from the national school in County Wexford referred to by the Deputy. I am considering the proposals put to me then and I will communicate a decision to the school authorities at an early date.
