Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 1 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 4

Written Answers. - Commission on Health Funding Report.


asked the Minister for Health if he will outline the Government's response to the Commission on Health Funding Report.

The Government have welcomed the commission's report as a most valuable contribution to the continuing debate on health care. In view of the complexity of the issues involved, I am now consulting with key organisations and interests in the health sector on the implications of the commission's recommendations before formulating proposals for Government.

The following is the Government press statement which was issued on publication of the commission's report and dated 11 October 1989:

The Government welcome the Report of the Commission on Funding of the Health Services which is published today. The report contains a very comprehensive and detailed analysis of the problems and challenges posed by the objective of providing adequate health services for the population. The report stresses the achievements and high standards which characterises the Irish health care system. It points out, however, that it shares the problems experienced by health services in all developed countries: the difficulty of providing access to necessary health care within the limit of resources which the community can afford.

The Government consider that the report of the commission is a most valuable contribution to what will be a continuing debate on these issues. The Government will be considering the recommendations in the light of their likely impact on the quality of patient care. The criteria for assessing health policy options must be patient centred having regard to all of the elements that make for high quality patient care. Policy options must also be assessed in the context of the resources available.

The Minister for Health will now commence a consultation process with the key organisations and groups involved in the health care sector with a view to establishing their views on the implications of the commission's recommendations. The Minister will, following that consultation, bring proposals before the Government.

The Government wish to acknowledge the major contributions which the commission, under the chairmanship of Dr. Miriam Hederman O'Brien, have made to the development of health policy in Ireland. The analysis and the careful weighing of options contained in the report will be of assistance to the Minister and the Government as it undoubtedly will be for the organisations and groups who will now be consulted about future policy directions. The Government wish to record their deep appreciation to the members of the commission for the care and consideration with which they have prepared this major Report.
