Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 1 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 4

Written Answers. - State Bodies Annual Reports.


asked the Taoiseach in respect of each semi-State or other body submitting an annual report to his Department, the dates on which their 1988 annual reports were (a) received by him, (b) laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas and (c) circulated to Members where applicable.

The information requested by the Deputy is given in two parts as follows: Part 1 covers bodies whose reports are required by statute or otherwise to be laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas and Part 2 covers other bodies.

Receipt of reports are listed in the order papers so that Members will know that they are available for reference in the Library.

1988 Annual Reports

Department of the Taoiseach


Date of receipt

Date laid before Houses of the Oireachtas



Part 1

The Arts Council

not yet received

The National Archives Advisory Council

not yet received

The Irish Film Board

not yet received

Law Reform Commission

19 April 1989

9 May 1989

Part 2

The National Concert Hall Company

14 April 1989

17 July 1989

The Council of Trustees of the National Library of Ireland

29 March 1989

has not been the practice

The Board of Visitors of the National Museum of Ireland

6 October 1989

The Irish Manuscripts Commission

not yet received

has not been the practice

The Royal Hospital Kilmainham Company

not yet received

National Statistics Board

11 December 1987

13 May 1988

Council for the Status of Women

5 September 1989

has not been the practice

Roinn na Gaeltachta

I gcás Roinn na Gaeltachta, ní bhfuarthas tuarascálacha bliantúla do 1988 go fóill ón dá eagras Stát-tionscanta faoi scáth na Roinne, i.e. Udarás na Gaeltachta agus Bord na Gaeilge.
