Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 7 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 7

Written Answers. - Grant Aid for Swimming Pools.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present position regarding the provision of grant aid towards swimming pools through local authorities; if the previous loan scheme has been replaced by a grant scheme; the level of grant aid available; the procedure for availing of grant aid; the total allocation under this scheme to date; the number of swimming pools involved; the number of swimming pools for which applications have been made; if this scheme is restricted to swimming pools only or sports complexes in general; and if there is any cash limit on the maximum grant payment.

The former system of financing the construction or improvement of swimming pools provided by local authorities by means of Local Loans Fund loans has, since the enactment of the Local Loans Fund (Amendment) Act, 1987, been replaced by a scheme of capital grants. Under the present arrangements, grants of up to 80 per cent of the cost of constructing a new pool or 100 per cent of the cost of refurbishing an existing pool are payable, subject to the overall availability of funds for swimming pools in the Public Capital Programme and taking account of competing demands for these funds. The scheme is restricted to swimming pools and only works which meet the standards set out in my Department's guideline specification for swimming pools are eligible for grant aid. The Public Capital Programme provision for the scheme in the current year is £560,000. This sum has already been allocated in full in respect of two projects. All swimming pools provided by local authorities are eligible for consideration under the scheme. At present, applications for grants towards the construction of three new swimming pools and the refurbishment of eight existing pools are before my Department.
