Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 7 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 7

Written Answers. - Trains' Safety Requirements.


asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport the steps he proposes to take to stop the overloading of passenger trains; and the steps he has taken to ensure that all safety requirements are complied with in regard to trains.

Iarnrod Éireann's policy is to provide a seat on its trains for each passenger within the resources available to them. This objective is met on most occasions. Exceptions do arise, however, mainly at holiday weekends and on the occasion of major sporting events. Iarnrod Éireann have assured me that every effort is made to forecast travel patterns accurately and where necessary scheduled services are augmented by auxiliary services subject to the availability of suitable rolling stock.

The board advise me that standing on trains, while not desirable, or in accordance with their policy, does not infringe any regulations and does not have any special safety implications. The determination of the criteria used in assessing standards for safety in trains is the responsibility of Iarnrod Éireann, whose staff are trained to operate trains in a careful and effective manner. The design and construction of the rolling stock are based on the company's and their manufacturers' standards. The vehicles are equipped to cater for very heavy levels of traffic. The company have assured me that safety of operations is afforded the highest priority.

Safety requirements in relation to the railway are monitored by my Department through the exercise of its functions in relation to the investigation of accidents and the inspection and approval of railway works as required by the legislation.
