Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 7 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 7

Written Answers. - Forest Resources.


asked the Minister for Energy if he has had any discussions with Coillte Teoranta regarding the management of their forest resources with a view to achieving the most desirable mix in new planting of semi-mature and mature stock.

The management of its forest estate, including the sale of semi-mature forest areas, is a matter for Coillte Teoranta itself, within the general requirements of the Forestry Act, 1988. I am aware that Coillte Teoranta is completing the sale of sites under the present phase of sales of semi-mature forest areas, and offered further sites for sale in September this year. The company will not be continuing with the sale of such forest area once this latter phase is completed, as it is not getting a reasonable market response and must have regard to its mandate to operate forestry on a commercial basis. I have not had discussions with Coillte Teoranta on this specific matter nor do I see any need to do so at the moment.

The development of the forest estate to maturity is of course the normal course of events in commercial forestry as the most valuable timber crop is produced at this stage.
