Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 14 Nov 1989

Vol. 393 No. 1

Written Answers. - Staff Numbers.


asked the Minister for Defence the number of maintenance and ancillary staff working at Collins Barracks, Cork; and if he will have additional staff made available to work at this location.

There are 38 permanent civilian employees on the maintenance staff and 12 ancillary staff working in Collins Barracks, Cork. An additional 13 employees are employed on a temporary basis at present with the corps of engineers in the barracks.

The policy of reducing public service numbers generally has resulted in some vacancies there not being filled. The position, however, will be kept under review.


asked the Minister for Defence the number of maintenance and ancillary staff working at Haulbowline Naval Dockyard, Cork; and if he will have additional staff made available to work at this location.

There are 20 permanent civilian employees and 17 casuals on the maintenance staff with the corps of engineers at Haulbowline, County Cork. There are also 104 permanent and six temporary ancillary staff employed at the naval dockyard there. The policy of reducing public service numbers has resulted in some vacancies not being filled. The position however will be kept under review.
