Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Nov 1989

Vol. 393 No. 2

Written Answers. - Medical Card Eligibility.


asked the Minister for Health the different criteria which are used for the establishment of income in establishing entitlement to medical cards to those used by the Department of Social Welfare in establishing entitlement to small farmers assistance; and the reason small farmers who are entitled to assistance are subsequently denied medical cards.

The criterion for issue of medical cards is that the persons concerned are, in the opinion of the chief executive officers of the health boards, unable to arrange general practitioner services for themselves and their dependants without undue hardship. While there are income guidelines to assist chief executive officers, the Deputy will appreciate that careful assessment is necessary in each individual case. It is open to the chief executive officer to take into account the availability of capital, as well as income, in determining whether a person would be able to arrange general practitioner services without undue hardship.

The administration of small farmers assistance is a matter for the Minister for Social Welfare. However, I understand that, in accordance with statutory requirements, income from investments or other capital is taken into account and the capital itself disregarded in assessing means for the purpose of this assistance.
