Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 13 Dec 1989

Vol. 394 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Irish Citizenship Applications.


asked the Minister for Justice the number of persons who have applied for Irish citizenship in the past year; and the number who were granted citizenship.

The number of persons who were granted certificates of naturalisation in the past year was 300.

Statistics are not maintained in such a way as would enable me to indicate the number of persons who applied for citizenship, and the examination of records that would be required to compile the information would involve a commitment of staff resources which could not be justified in present circumstances.

In the context of the Aliens Office and applications for citizenship, may I ask the Minister if the Department have reviewed operations there in view of a recent Supreme Court ruling giving the right of residency which, in time, can give a right to naturalisation, to two non-nationals who had to appeal——

This question is essentially statistical. The Deputy is bringing in extraneous matters worthy of separate questions.

Maybe the Minister can give me a response——

I am calling Deputy O'Keeffe.

May I ask the Minister how many applications for citizenship were refused last year?

If the Deputy puts down a question on that matter I will be glad to get the answer for him. Deputy Spring's question only asked how many people applied for Irish citizenship and the number that were granted.

How many were granted, by definition?

The number of persons who were granted certificates of naturalisation was 300 and the number of persons who applied——

Was more than 300.

That is very helpful.

In the second part of my reply I said that information is not kept in such a way as to provide that information.

It is not kept because it is an embarrassment.

Statistics are not maintained in such a way as to provide——

I repeat that the question is essentially statistical. Let us deal with Question No. 31.

It is time the Aliens Office was dragged out of the dark ages. There should at least be statistics available, if nothing more.
