Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 8 Mar 1990

Vol. 396 No. 8

Written Answers. - Case Review.

Tony Gregory


41 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in Dublin 3 who presented written evidence from a consultant in the Mater Hospital, Dublin 7, stating that she is unfit for work was found fit for work by a medical referee on 21 February 1990; if he will have the matter urgently reviewed; and if he will make a statement on the issue.

The person concerned was paid disability benefit to 27 December 1989 after which date payment was disallowed following an examination by a medical referee on 20 December 1989 who considered her to be capable of work.

She appealed against this decision and was examined by another medical referee on 21 February 1990 who also expressed the opinion that she was capable of work. The consultant's letter referred to by the Deputy was seen by the medical referee at the time of the examination on 21 February 1990.

She was informed of the result of this examination on 26 February 1990 and was supplied with a form on which to set out the grounds for appeal if she wished to have her case referred to an appeals officer for determination. Her case will be reviewed by an appeals officer if she returns this form within 21 days.
