Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Nov 1990

Vol. 403 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Local Elections.

Michael Bell


17 Mr. Bell asked the Minister for the Environment if the Government have decided to postpone the 1991 local elections; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Dick Spring


39 Mr. Spring asked the Minister for the Environment if he will confirm that the local elections, postponed from last year, will now be held in June 1991 even if the Committee on Local Government Re-organisations have not completed their work; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Peter Barry


100 Mr. Barry asked the Minister for the Environment if a date for the local elections in 1991 has been fixed.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 17, 39 and 100 together.

Under existing law local elections are due to be held in June 1991. No consideration has been given to postponing the elections nor has consideration been given to the question of fixing a polling day. A minimum of 28 days notice must be given in relation to the polling day.

Specifically in relation to Question No. 39 in the name of Deputy Spring, can the Minister give the House an assurance, that if the committee on local government reform, the expert advisory committee, to which he referred have not completed their work, or if legislative changes which they may propose have not been enacted, the local elections will go ahead in June 1991?

In answer to a previous question I said that we expect to have the recommendations of that expert advisory committee before the end of this year. That will come to the Government sub-committee, of which I am chairman, and will then go to Government for a final decision in the matter. There has been no question of postponing the elections due in June of next year.

Notwithstanding the hopes of the Minister in relation to this matter or, indeed, anything else, I specifically ask whether he will give an undertaking to the House, or if he is in a position to give an undertaking to the House that the local elections will take place in June next, irrespective of whether the committee meet their deadline.

All I can say in that regard is that no consideration has been given to that question.

The Minister cannot give an assurance?

I am saying they are due in June.

Either the Minister can or cannot give an assurance.

This must not lead to argument.

The elections are due to take place in June 1991. That is the position as it stands.

Is the Minister aware that in reply to similar questions tabled by this side of the House around this time last year he used the formula of saying that no consideration had been given to postponing the local elections due in June 1990? Is the Minister also aware that subsequently he gave consideration to postponing the elections due in June 1990 due to pressure put on him by Fianna Fáil councillors and when he considered the matter he postponed them? Does the Minister anticipate sitting Fianna Fáil councillors putting him under pressure during the course of the next few months to postpone the June 1991 local elections? Does he consider, if he is put under such pressure, he is likely to cave in again.

The Deputy is introducing extraneous matter.

The position is that the Minister was under no pressure in 1990 and I expect he will be under no pressure in 1991.

The Minister can give a simple answer, "yes" or "no".

The normal consideration of the business took place and I deemed it wise to postpone them until June 1991.

The Minister's Fianna Fáil colleagues on the councils wanted them postponed on account of the Presidential election.

Deputy Shatter may not continue to interrupt from a seated position.

All I can say in answer to that statement by Deputy Shatter is that I was put under pressure from the benches over there to postpone them.

The Minister certainly was not put under pressure by The Workers' Party. The Workers' Party applied no pressure. We were dead keen to go to the electorate unlike the Minister's backbenchers. Will the Minister not agree that the public would treat a decision of his with contempt if he went ahead with a local government election without a substantially reformed local government structure? Will the Minister give us an assurance that it will not be his intention to hold an election without a completely overhauled and reformed local government structure?

We cannot pre-empt what may or may not come from the recommendations of the expert advice committee and through that committee to the Government. It is impossible to answer that question. The Deputy is dealing in supposition and I would prefer he did not do that.

On the basis that it is now six years since the last local government election——

The Deputy should keep the question relevant.

On the basis that sitting councillors are now six years in office, instead of five years, and a potential one to two years more, it was totaly undemocratic to postpone the elections on a spurious notion that he would reform local government. He is still not able to tell us whether we will be going forward with elections to local councils in a reformed local government structure.

We are committed to reform. That is the whole purpose of the exercise we are engaged in. It will take place and so will the local elections.

Arising from the Minister's declaration that he is committed to the reform of local government may I ask him a simple and direct question? Is the date of the next local elections conditional on the enactment of reform legislation, yes or no?

The position is that local elections are due next June.

Will they take place?

Let us give the Minister an opportunity to reply.

I am also satisfied that there will be local government reform.

That is not answering the question. Is the date of the local elections conditional on the enactment of reform legislation? Will the Minister answer "yes" or "no".

We are having a lot of repetition.

My view at this time is that the local elections will take place next June.

Can the Minister not answer the question direct?

Is the date conditional on the enactment of the legislation, "no" or "yes".

Please Deputy Howlin, there is no need to lose your cool on this matter. When we get the opportunity to test the Deputy's party on the ground at the local elections we will give them an adequate answer.

Will the Minister do some live radio interviews?

That may be necessary too.

Any time.

That is not Deputy Quinn's form; he disappoints me.

Let us proceed to Question No. 18.
